
expressing an opinion中文是什么意思

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  • 例句与用法
  • Every time i express an opinion , she argues back
  • May i express an opinion ? - of course , son
  • A persuasive response ( prompts ) express an opinion or point of view and tries to convince the reader that the opinion is valid
  • I would offer a score prediction at this point , but that would be to express an opinion and , what with it being christmas and everything , i would rather avoid an fa fine
  • Meetings must not be like court rituals in which no one dares to express an opinion because of an unwritten rule that final decisions have already been made from above
  • Supposedly intelligent people , most of whom had never really cared for the game , suddenly felt the social imperative to express an opinion on diamond formations , david beckham ' s hairstyle and football share prices
  • I am not sure that i can draw an exact line between wit and humor ( perhaps the distinction is so subtle that only those persons can decide who have long white beards ) , but even an ignorant person may express an opinion in this matter
    我不能肯定,我能够在智慧与幽默之间划出明确的界限(也许区别是如此微妙,只有那些有白胡子的人才能够决定) ,但是即使是无知的人,也可以在这个问题上发表意见。
  • I am not sure that i can draw an exact line between wit and humor ( perhaps the distinction is so subtle that only those persons can decide who have long whit beards ) , but even an ignorant person may express an opinion in this matter
    我不确定是否能准确的区分智慧和幽默的定义(或许两者之间的区别如此微妙,只有那些留着长胡须,知识渊博的人才能准确区分) ,但即使一个无知的人也能就此事表达些微的观点。
  • “ on the other hand , all of the contributors to this debate who expressed an opinion agree that the deterministic prediction of an individual earthquake , within sufficiently narrow limits to allow a planned evacuation programme , is an unrealistic goal
    “另一方面,向这场辩论提交论文表示了看法的所有研究者,都同意对一次地震做出‘确定性预测’ ,其有效限度窄到允许实施计划中的撤离计划,是一种不现实的目标。 ”
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